110 Equalizer
The Model 110 Equalizer can be integrated with most moulders, creating a highly efficient…
With up to four moving saw blades, Select-Ripping has never been more affordable. Our 500 Series Select-Rip saws are the “Standard of the Industry”. Available in 12”, 24”, 31” and 40” width capacities. Moreover, we now offer a NEW two arbor version of the Model 524, arranged to edge lumber on first arbor & precision rip on the second arbor.
Multiple shifting saws mounted from heavy duty overbeam provide glue joint accuracy. Shifting saw blades provide greater production flexibility, better utilization from your raw materials, and less down time, maximizing your profit potential.
Automation & Robotics
Mereen-Johnson stands at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge automated handling solutions that will streamline your workforce and wood machinery assets. Our smart, automated handling solutions are meticulously crafted to enhance your machine throughput and efficacy while substantially trimming your labor expenses.
Our complete spectrum of services ranges from conceptualization and design of production lines to installation, personnel training and ongoing maintenance, and we cater to a wide array of client requirements, offering both standardized system solutions and fully personalized options to suit your specific needs.
Vertically integrated manufacturing in the USA means we control every step of the process to deliver the performance and longevity that the industry has grown to expect from us.
Listening to your specific needs, we will adapt a standard machine or develop a fully custom solution, including automation and robotics, and manufacture it in-house.
Our state-of-the-art production space has room to build, test and prove large-scale design solutions. Design-build teams work together to make your custom concept a reality.
We will always support your machine. From training programs to replacement parts, schematics to software support, we’ve got you covered, remotely or onsite.
The Model 110 Equalizer can be integrated with most moulders, creating a highly efficient…
Model 435 Series is a versatile line of machinery custom designed and manufactured for nea…
Mereen-Johnson’s CNC Dovetailers offer the quality construction, precision, reliability, a…
Feature the latest in technology advancements, ensuring improved consistency, accuracy, su…
For big shop performance at a small shop price. 12″ arbor capacity with up to two inboard…
The Mereen-Johnson 300 Series rip saws offer all the quality, heavy-duty construction, and…
Mereen-Johnson Multiple Rip Saws offer straight line precision gang ripping with glue join…
Mereen-Johnson manufacturers a complete line of gang rip saw infeed systems from manual to…
Perfect For High Production Operations, this machine is designed for high-production opera…
Now with NaviVision scanning, Mereen-Johnson provides multiple color cameras for single fa…
Our largest Rip Optimization system is the Scout; Equipped with infeed chains, board deale…
Our Roll Feed Saw’s high-speed, high-yield hogging arbor options virtually eliminates edgi…
Scout Loader is a fully automated feeder designed to directly offload deadpacked lumber fr…
Our Tenoners are designed for high production runs while simultaneously providing the flex…
The Diehl Machines MR-90 is an undercutting roll feed gang rip saw. The roll feed design r…
Diehl’s Full-Sized Rip Saw, a machine with the speed and performance to meet the most dema…
The Diehl Machines SL-35 is are our mid-sized Rip Saw, an economically priced machine with…